Series 14: Post 3


My son turned 2 yesterday, and I had made a video, and all that but then I realized we are celebrating him over the weekend and I shall destroy people’s timelines then. Besides, I don’t think people other than myself care that much.

It’s become increasingly difficult for me to write recently because anything I write about is just an opinion, and not fact, and the more I think about it, the more my apathy towards particular thoughts fleets like the opinions they are.

In simplistic words, I feel like I don’t care enough to share my opinions because they in fact do not matter, not even to me. Why? Because they are just that, opinions. They are subject to change. Everyday I wake up and realize that some thoughts don’t matter because everything is obsolete. Finite. Defined. Limited. And the more I think about it, the more obsolete it becomes.

So, if everything is fleeting, then what is PURPOSE? I once read a book, a long time ago, more mythical than fact. The dwarves had been betrayed by one of their own and the only way to show how they felt was to turn their backs to him, and walk away. To not take a stand with him, to walk away. And I feel greatly that that’s what happens when I see many people share their opinions on the social media sphere, or read the news. Or see fuel prices hike! Or the prices of commodities. Or see how shitty our politicians are! Or even media houses peddle their propaganda! Or see people who are non-experts or scholars of topics opine like their word is glass. Or see relatives who can barely greet me because of my father!

Where’s the world headed to, I wonder? Or wander?

And because they are opinions, I find peace. I find a sense of peace.