C. E. O

Guys, I am a CEO, well, have been for quite sometime, and the psychology of the work space is very very important.

I shared a couple of tweets last week about what I believe is a good leader. In retrospect, I asked myself what is the kind of leader I want to be, and what would the kind of leader be who led me? Guys, forgive the wish washy sentencing. Basically, this is the boss I’d like to be.

1. It’s is important as an employer to cultivate an environment of trust! With trust comes loyalty, and growth! Your team needs to be able to trust you so that they can efficiently work in an environment that nurtures them. Your team needs to know that you have their backs, in whatever they do. Trust builds loyalty. Trust allows for the team to grow because they KNOW. Trust means that they will see you through, in the thick and thin, the highs and the lows, the glory and the fall. Trust means that you don’t even have to be there for work to get done! It shall get done. Without trust, your brand, your company, can all go to the dogs because your employees don’t see the need as to why they should hold you!

2. Your team needs to know they are valuable, and also needs to know your values as an employer. You need to be on the same page. If I value what you bring to the table, then it’s easy for me to understand what you mean to the company and the process. If you know what I value, then it’s easy to figure out what to bring to the table. Communication becomes easier, work flow becomes easier, the process becomes easier. If we value different things, mehn oh mehn, we are going to have conflicts. I always like my Sundays free, for church, and family. If my employer wants me to work on a Sunday, then that is going to be a challenge. Sometimes it is in the things we value too. Ensure your team knows your values, and find out what their values are.

3. Being an employer means being a good leader. Get off that high horse and build a camaraderie with your work force. If you are unapproachable as a boss, then you are going to have issues, lots of issues. Part of building a solid team is knowing that anyone in the office can approach you and not get to feel intimidated when they do. You’d be surprised about what you’d find out. Again, it gets easier when communicating. 

4. Try and figure out your teams strength and weaknesses, and capitalize on those aspects. Build the team yo.

5. Always keep lines of communication. In good times and bad. Let them know what the process is, and what the commitment to the process is!

6. And as the team leader, it’s important to know the mechanics, and processes of everyone on the team. To know is to be wise.

7. If you are passionate about what you do, then it’s easier to pick a team with the same dream.

8. Be teachable! Always be open to the idea that you can learn something new. Always!

I will keep adding to this post until we get there! 

Universal Truths

I woke up extremely happy today because when God manifests in your life, everyday is a blessing pon blessing pon blessing, and when you let Him take control, well, mehn oh mehn. 

It’s just that with the knowledge and understanding I have now of my Father, there’s so many Uiversal Truths that I challenge. 

1. First things first, there’s NO limits with Him. We come begging Him to help, and well, when you don’t get what you asked for, you become childish about it, throw a tiff, sulk, throw Him out, and somehow, when the problem solves itself, you even forget to thank Him. Why do we limit Him in what He can and can’t do in our lives, with the good, and the bad? Why put Him in a special place in our lives where we can call out to Him only when we need him? I was with a friend yesterday talking about our experience with God and we just couldn’t stop smiling. The power to change and make us great and the love, oh the love He has for us is beyond your imagination. The parable of the Prodigal Son shows us what happens when we leave Him out and when we come back to Him. 

2. Our righteousness? Lol. Aren’t we a righteous bunch? For a long time I thought being good was all I needed to get into the Kingdom. In truth, the assumption was I had a standard of good-ness. Bruh! The standard of good-ness is Jesus. Can we be as good as Jesus was? I don’t think it is impossible but I know it’s very difficult. Someone slaps you on the right cheek and you put the left? In this day and age, that would be considered madness. But it’s a truth we’ve accepted. We have our set standard of good-ness, and when someone crosses it, oh, we shall be bad ass! The righteousness of Christ is what we should seek, and then we can have access to the Kingdom.

3. Love is the answer. This is a Godly misunderstood universal truth. Love is what makes us change, grow, accept, understand. What would the world be without love? It’s just that when we talk about love, we look at it the earthly way, the human way. There’s is the LOVE. God’s love is unconditional and relentless. He accepts us for who we are, for He made us. Humans on the other hand love accordingly. We love conditionally. We talk about being hard, strong, different, amazing lovers, and honestly, these are just a drop of water in a sea compared to what God’s love for us is. It’s in understanding and knowing this love that you become a conduit of this love. It’s in accepting this love that we can start to live freely. We humans just limit love. We have conditions on how and when we can and should be loved. It’s laughable.

4. Being saved is accepting Christ. It’s is a simple as that. Ati Catholic saved, Muslim saved, Anglican saved, Saved saved….Bruh, its all about Jesus. Yes, I am advocating for Christ to work in your lives. When I use my human goggles, I see imperfection, I see flaws, but in Christ, I walk on water. 

These universal truths and ways of life have blinded us from the righteousness of Christ and the power of living in Him and having Him work in your life, everyday. 

I don’t do this exercise because well, uhm, well, uhm, hahahahaha, but I do want you to try it. Get yourself a nice fancy book. At the front of the book, write down your worries each day, and at the back, write down the good things happening in your life. Be as honest. Could be a free meal, a movie ticket, free fuel (thanks Ma) or a friend calling. Do the same, write down the bad things. Your boss made you angry. You lost money. You were angry about traffic. Do this for a week. At the end of the week, compare notes. See if your worries matter then, and see the beauty of the good things in your life. Continue to do this for a month. Eventually, what worries you today, won’t even matter a week from now. If it’s a really big thing, well; Take. It. To. The. Lord. In. Prayer.

Everyday with God in my life means no worries for me, and I know for a fact that I am a worrier – human/universal truth but in God, what are these little things. There’s comfort and love in Him. When you discard these human truths and focus on God, well, that is one amazing experience. This daily journey is amazing, and I get to learn new cool stuff. And I get to see change, and growth.

July Musings ’17

  1. Praise God. Amen

    Oh yeah, blood, brother, bro, dude, mehn oh mehn, guyi gwe, haza mwana, I decided to put God first this year, in everything. Little did I know it would take me on an eight month journey that I can surmise in one word, God.

  2. Allow the idiot in you to prosper.

    What is self actualization? What is self? What is actualization? One of my favourite aphorisms is the statement, “the absence of presence, and the presence of absence” which was one of my fave arguments back in design school. Looking back, in this journey called life, there’s nothing like self actualization I believe. To be actualized means to come to a complete end, which ideally in this case would be non existence. I rather prefer to be self aware, which I believe you achieve in this journey called life – everyday. Let the inner you, and the outer you meet for a cup of coffee or tea, and talk it out, and see what’s going on, and see if you are on the same page or are in different phases of life, maybe then you can start to see life in a different glow.

  3. Ambition

    I think I’ve written about this before. One of my favourite songs I believe. What is your ambition? Like Kanye asked, is it money? is it cars? or is it hoes? Ambition is priceless, it is in your veins. You put your mind to it, anything, then you can achieve it.

  4.  Fear

    What are we really afraid of? I love hearing 20 year olds talk about their dreams, but fear what it means to achieve them, fear the failure that comes with their dreams! If it is a dream, come on, what’s the worst that could go wrong? We are afraid to start, and worry about failure of losing even before it’s began. Cast your fears away, what’s there to lose? Are you afraid to restart? Restarting means that’s there’s progress, there’s movement! Cast your fear away, and dream!

  5. Vision

    The ability to see further. Do you have that?

  6. June

    It was an ok month!

  7. July

    One of those months that tested my faith, and I am glad I stuck to the principle. Sometimes life comes at you really fast, you don’t even have time to press the brakes. Most times when we are down, feeling defeated and really not into this thing called living, just remember the good. We are sometimes most adamant about getting what we want that when we stumble and fall, we either quit, give up and walk away! BUT, why would you give up on your dream? Take it is an opportunity to work harder, better, smarter, wiser, and be patient with yourself. For crying out loud, it took you 12 months to become a year older! Come on.

  8. August

    Is finally here. Mehn oh mehn…it’s that time of the year that gets me excited, puts me in overdrive, and well, I am excited about this. God before everything. I desire it, I shall get it, work for it, look for it, and never give up on it.

Happy new month idiots.

Spread love, cheers, and smile.